application information + process

General Information and Guidelines for All Applicants:

  • SEF welcomes applications from Scituate Public School teachers pre-k through grade 12, administrators, parent teacher organizations, and other community non-profit organizations* offering educational programs and/or activities. Organizations that are not a part of Scituate Public Schools must have all necessary documentation to demonstrate 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, including a current board of directors and signed by-laws. These documents do not need to be included as part of an application but may be requested by SEF.

    *A representative may be an employee, officer, director or volunteer for the applying organization.

  • All purchases from SEF funds are for use of the applicant(s) during the award year and become the property of SPS or the sponsoring organization thereafter.

  • This application is available online from February 15 - March 31, 2025 and must be completed by 10 PM on March 31, 2025. After that time it will become inaccessible online.

  • No applicant may receive direct financial benefit from any SEF grant.

  • The average funded grant is $2,500-$3,000. It is rare that the Scituate Education Foundation funds grants in excess of $5,000. SEF may choose partial funding of grants. If your grant exceeds $5,000, please outline your priorities of funding. 

  • No request for food items or marketing in applications will be considered.

    Grant applications are welcome in all academic areas, all art disciplines, all physical education/health/wellness disciplines, and guidance.

  • Proposals must seek funding to cover a period of time not greater than one year. Multi-year projects require re-application each year.

  • Although all completed, eligible applications will be considered, SEF has a preference for funding new initiatives each year. Projects that have been previously funded through an SEF grant are unlikely to receive additional funding.

  • Please do not send any information other than what is requested in the application. If further information is required to evaluate your proposal, a member of the SEF Grant Committee will contact you.

  • Applicants are invited to learn more about SEF’s grant review process online:

Special Information and Guidelines For SPS Applicants:

  • Applications may not request funding for teacher salaries or bonuses.

  • SPS-based applications must be for initiatives that are outside of the district’s current and planned operating budgets.

  • SPS Applications that seek funding for technology purchases must have endorsement from the SPS Technology Director.

  • SPS applicants who receive funding must follow the district’s existing procurement policies. All funds awarded to SPS employees will be disbursed directly to the SPS Business Office and will be available after July 1, 2025.