The Scituate Education Foundation (SEF) funds innovative educational programs that promote community building, creativity, and skill development for all ages.
SEF will enable diverse organizations to fund their creative aspirations beyond the limitations of standard budgets, facilitating Scituate’s growth as a thriving, vibrant community of life-long learners.
2016-2017 SLIDESHOW
LEADERSHIP: SEF will maintain a diverse volunteer board of directors that is dedicated to working towards the mission and vision. Our advisory team will be comprised of individuals who bring specific knowledge to help us be effective.
COLLABORATION: SEF will collaborate with all stakeholders who are committed to enhancing educational excellence for the Scituate community.
SUSTAINABILITY: SEF will operate ethically and with transparency, holding our members to the highest standards of governance, with the goal of building a foundation that will serve the community for many years in the future.
FUNDRAISING: SEF will focus on various fundraising channels to fulfill grants that will have a positive impact on our community.
Code of Conduct for Board Members: As the Scituate Education Foundation seeks to benefit the community by funding innovative educational programs with the support of a diverse set of public and private organizations, it is in the interest of SEF and our stakeholders that the organization is tolerant of widely diverse ideas and perspectives on issues that affect our stakeholders. Thus, when speaking or acting on behalf of SEF, all officers, directors and volunteers should actively avoid giving any impression that SEF takes a position on any issue, political or otherwise, that may disenfranchise any portion of our stakeholders.
Officers, directors and volunteers are free to express their own opinions and views and should clarify when appropriate that their views are their own and not those of SEF. Likewise, all are encouraged to be thoughtful of written and/or public statements and seek to avoid creating negative perceptions of SEF when making personal statements, including when using social media.
Conflict of Interest Policy: The standard of behavior at the Scituate Education Foundation (SEF) is that all board members and volunteers scrupulously avoid conflicts of interest between the interests of SEF on one hand, and personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes avoiding potential and actual conflicts of interest, as well as perceptions of conflicts of interest.
The purposes of this policy are to protect the integrity of SEF’s decision-making process, to enable our stakeholders and community to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputations of volunteers and board members. Upon or before election or appointment, members will make a full, written disclosure of interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. This written disclosure will be kept on file and members will update it as appropriate.
In the course of meetings or activities, members will disclose any interests in a transaction or decision where they (including their business or other nonprofit affiliations), their family, and/or their significant other, employer, or close associates will receive a benefit or gain. Depending on the nature of the conflict, either 1) or 2) below will apply.
In any case where the member or someone in their family or another organization in which they have a personal or business interest stands to receive financial gain from any transaction, the member understands that he/she will be asked to leave the room for the discussion and will not be permitted to vote on the question.
In any case where the member or someone in their family stands to receive educational benefit from a grant proposal submitted through SEF’s grant awarding process during a time which they are a member of the Grant Voting Body, he/she will publicly disclose such conflict and will be permitted to vote on these or any other grant proposals during their eligibility.
Non-Discrimination Policy: SEF does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of volunteers and vendors, provision of services, and acceptance of grant proposals. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community.
To view the notes from our monthly Board Meetings, please click here.